Pilonidal Sinus

What is Pilonidal Sinus and how can it be avoided?
A Pilonidal sinus is a small cyst that’s located at the top of the cleft of the buttocks near the tail bone. It can cause severe pain and infection. It can also cause pus and blood discharge, and produce a foul-smelling odour. Young men are more likely to have pilonidal cysts. The condition is known to have a high recurrence rate. People who sit for long periods of time (e.g. truck drivers, tailors, etc.) are at greater risk and Pilonidal sinus is more likely to develop in such people. Go to the best Pilonidal Sinus Doctor in Kolkata for the Best Treatment.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus?
At first, you may not notice any symptoms except for a small bump at the top of your buttocks. If the depression becomes chronic, it can lead to a cyst or abscess. An abscess, on the other hand, is a tissue that has become swollen or inflamed. A cyst is a pouch that is filled with fluid.

Some symptoms include:
✔ Low-grade fever
✔ Cyst swelling
✔ Standing or sitting can cause pain
✔ Reddish skin and tenderness around depression
✔ The depression may be accompanied by blood or pus discharge.
✔ Foul-smelling discharge
✔ Protruding hair from the affected area
✔ Over a longer period, there are more sinus tracts
What are the Causes of Pilonidal Sinus?
Although the exact cause is unknown, it appears that most are caused by loose hairs entering the skin. The hair can be forced down by friction and pressure, rubbing and tight clothing, cycling, and prolonged sitting. The body creates a cyst or sinus around the hair to counteract the hair becoming foreign material.
What are the Risk Factors in Pilonidal Sinus ?
Pilonidal cysts can be more common if you have certain factors, such as:
- Male gender
- People in their 20s and young age groups.
- Overweight
- People who sit for a long period of time.
- Excessive body hair
What are the Complications of Pilonidal Sinus?
A pilonidal sinus that is chronically infected can lead to a slight increase in the risk of developing squamous cells carcinoma.
What are the treatments and preventions of Pilonidal Sinus?
✔ Avoid prolonged sitting
✔ To reduce the chance of pilonidal cysts recurring, it may be necessary to shave
- SURGERY is the ONLY treatment for Pilonidal Sinus
- It can be Conventional/ OPEN surgery or Laser Pilonidal Sinus Treatment.

Still Have Some Query?
✔ High chances of Recurrence
✔ Prolonged bed rest
✔ Prolonged dressing and wound care
✔ Delayed Recovery & Increased hospital stay
LASER PILONIDOPLASTY is a USFDA approved and the most ADVANCED method of Pilonidal Sinus Treatment.
It is a painless & non invasive technique and uses laser energy to ablate the area.
Advantages of Laser Treatment are :-
✔ No Wounds or Cuts
✔ Non-invasive procedure
✔ Day care procedure
✔ No Diet restrictions
✔ Start your normal day by going back to work the next day
✔ Painless/ Bloodless
✔ Minimal Chances of Recurrence
✔ Minimal Chances of infection
✔ Rapid recovery& Minimal Hospital Stay